Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are you doing it?

Love those titles that are mixed messages.  Probably because life is so full of them.  Our family often jokes about the more funny ones that we inadvertently say meaning something else.  But today it is meant in all seriousness and is in reflection of the sermon I heard from our pastor today.  God put this blog on my heart this last week, and I know I am one in a million...right?, but too often we use the excuse of being so small, or being so insignificant, or not perfect enough as a reason to just live without significant purpose.  And for those who suffer chronic pain...who have a child with a disability or have one themselves...who have had a life that has left them with scars, you may be wondering what else you have to do.  Or what is being required of you now.  
But I want to put a different spin on it.  God finds significance in each one of us.  It is too easy to see that glass half empty even when it is full, just because it is not full of what we want it filled with.  We need to look at our glass through God's eyes.  Determine if it is full by God's definition and hopefully it is so full of what God wants in your life that you are overflowing it!  
We all could focus on the things that are wrong and miss the opportunity to do what God is asking you to do, asking you because it will bless you! Giving is the greatest blessing and we can't even grasp the level of blessing God has showered on us by his Son Jesus Christ.  We try, but we just won't fully get it until we are standing in his presence and we see it all through his eyes.  Does that mean we shouldn't try? No.  Most of our limitations are from human weakness, but when we accept that Jesus Christ is our savior we have a new resource of strength and guidance. Most of us at one time or another choose to not follow or accept it.But I am telling you it is where you find it. Got does that through the Holy Spirit that comes to live inside of you when you give your life to Jesus.  Two verses in the bible that spell that out are:

Philippians 4:7
 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

God can use you right where you are today, in your circumstances, in your daily habits (like taking a walk every day ;) or even through your struggles.  Just be a willing vessel and look at every opportunity to share his love.  Be a light in this dark world.  Not a perfect "seeming to know it all", but an imperfect "in need of a Savior" person being strengthened and given great hope by God!  Someone needs to know of his grace and mercy, love and kindness, and his saving Power.  Someone needs to know where they are going when they die.  Is that person you?  If it is please click on the link at the top of the page Healing the Hole in Your Heart.  
It will guide you through coming to know God and Jesus Christ in a personal way, especially if you are going though difficult circumstances, but even if you are not.
Most of all, know that if you have questions about where you are going and what you are to do then message me, ask me, talk to me.  I would be happy to talk to you and answer any questions I can.  
May God use you today where you are and may you do what it is you are suppose to do!

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