I fell asleep to the sound of Ron’s rhythmic breathing; at peace because I knew he and the kids would be better off without me. I believe that was because of the spiritual oppression from having dabbled in things apart from God. In my vision I walked up to this house that was big, like an old mansion, and there were lots of people going in and out. It felt like a dark place. The air was thick and it smelled like sulfur. I walked up the stairs and into a large room that opened up to. There was a crowd of people circled around the perimeter of the room. They were laughing and acting like it was a party. But to my surprise and shock there were two scared naked children in the center of this room, standing back to back and looking terrified. I was looking around in a panic for anyone to help and I made eye contact with a man who was standing across the room from me. He was relaxed and the most beautiful man I had ever seen, but when he looked at me what I saw, in his eyes, made me sick. He talked to me without moving his mouth. Speaking right into my mind and told me that where I was going I would suffer like these children were going to, forever. I knew I could not save myself and, unexplainably, I fell to my knees. I lifted my hands to the sky and cried out, “Jesus, save me!”
Instantly a bright white light fell down upon me, like a sheet covering me and everything. The second it touched me, everything, but peace, was gone. I know that sounds cliche, but it is the honest truth. I can only describe it as being enveloped in love. I woke up to that same light in our room and the sweetest voice saying, “Stephanie, do you follow me?” Yes, by name. Yet when Ron’s alarm went off it was set to static. I believe part of my testimony is the fact that I cannot explain how this all happened. Some things God does for his glory and it must just be obvious that it is Him. Who was this Jesus? All I knew is I had to find out.
To be Continued...
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