Have you ever had that thought? I have. Not recently, but a few very memorable times in the past. I guess whether you continue to pray about something is not so much the issue, but why you decide to stop praying. Do you feel that you are within God's perfect will?...or are you feeling like giving up because there is silence answering you back at this moment?
There have been times when I listened to a voice of discouragement and stopped praying because I felt hopeless. That is not from God. Even when God says no he does it with encouragement and hope. He will give you more than you are asking for, it will just look different, or you will find that it was better not to get what you wanted.
Seeing life from a Godly perspective often means surrendering your will for His. So instead of giving up on prayer for what you want I want you to change your prayer today. This is my prayer.
Today I am so thankful that I have you as my God, my Lord, and my Savior. I am thankful for what you have given me, and what you have said no about. I want to give you my life, my family, my future. Make it and mold it to reflect how much I love and depend on you now. I am not afraid of the weakness of my humanity, only being separated from You. But your word says you will never leave nor forsake me so that one is covered. I ask you to do what you will with the pain I am feeling and I know that might mean you will take it away and it might mean you will give me strength to live with it. But best of all I know that what ever you choose will be within your good and perfect will. I will be happy where I am and love who and what is here to love.
In Jesus Name I pray,
I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.