Saturday, February 11, 2012

Part 3: The part I can never forget...

I mentioned to Ron’s cousin, who was my close friend, that I needed to find out who this Jesus was and she said that I needed to go to church.  
Before Sunday came I turned on my car radio and it was on a Christian station.  I didn’t even know one existed.  This is how far from Christianity I had been.  But what a testimony to God’s provision.  
So I went with my friend that next Sunday, to a church she knew about.  The service was beautiful.  It was done by the children.  It was their youth Sunday.  A little girl sang Jaci Velasquez, If this world is a lonely place.  That was God speaking to me.  I knew it.  I left that day determined to know this Jesus.  
So the next Sunday I braved my fears and went back to that church by myself.  I walked in and was greeted by the youth pastor’s wife and she made sure that I knew where to go.  I stayed for both services and went to Sunday school.  I went to the bible study that week for ladies, and was invited to the youth night, because they thought I was a college student.  I thought that was funny.  But, I did look young then and I did come alone.  Not to mention it was a college town.
That week they asked me if I wanted to be baptized and I said that if that is what God wanted then I wanted to do it.  They had no idea that I had already called on the Lord and now that I knew who Jesus was I wanted all of Him.
My dear husband thought I had gone off the deep end getting all spiritual on him.  He grew up going to church but did not have a relationship with Jesus.  I began taking the kids to church and it wasn’t until Ron heard the pastor liked to hunt that he came.  Four months after me he gave his life to Christ. He and Ryan wanted to be, and were, baptized then.
God gave me much confirmation because, I think, he knew I was very afraid of trusting.  First when I went to ladies’ biblestudy the passage they read was about Jesus telling the disciples to follow him.  That rang a bell!  Then when I was baptized I was on the way home, by myself, and I was just so full of joy I was not paying attention.  It was a rural road that I had not been on much and I had forgotten that there was a stop sign ahead and I was going 55 mph. All of a sudden I heard, “Step gently on the breaks.”  I did, just in time to see red blur in front of me and then I sailed across the road and through the stop sign.  I had missed that car by a couple of inches.  I figure God didn’t want to see me in Heaven quite so soon.  I drove home very slowly with my heart in my throat.  So very thankful.  I was starting a new journey and I was excited to see what this Jesus, and following him, had to do with my life.

To be Continued... 

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